
A very important step in the project lifeline has been completed. The project intellectual outputs have been completed and the educational resources have been developed and uploaded onto the training platform (https://project-missile.eu/moodle/). The learning materials, related to information security issues, social engineering, users’ beliefs and understanding about sensitive data and information security have been developed, as well as selecting and applying properly the defined security policies, mechanisms and countermeasures.

The training resources are grouped into 3 modules: Training Module on Technological Aspects of Information Security, Training Module on Legal Aspects of Information Security and Training Module on Economic Aspects of Information Security.

By basing our solution upon an interactive working platform and user trials, the project team will push the system into piloting for testing and evaluating the created methodology. Apart from the innovative methodology for information security training and learning, the formulation and exploitation of security and awareness training methods’ synergies as a major outcome of the MISSILE project is also foreseen.